How to Cut Your Pharmacy Spend in Half


Key Takeaways

There is no way around it – companies are getting killed on the RX spend. It makes up 25% of your total health costs and it’s only going up.

Traditional inpatient costs have shifted rapidly to the pharmacy benefit. This expert session dives into the key factors that operate the RX hamster wheel (such as the specialty space that can cost up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per treatment) and how independent medical case management protects you from entities that operate with self-interest.

  • Dissect the leading factors driving your premiums and claims

  • Discover new solutions to significantly shift the health spend and protect your plan members

  • Shift from typical cost increases to expected savings by eliminating conflict of interest, manufacturer control and limited programs.

  • Leverage cost savings examples – such as using different ingredients with the same clinical value

Meet the Experts

Renzo Luzzatti

5 Year Health Care & Pharmacy Management Executive

John W. Sbrocco

Expert Consultant for Middle Market Companies & Author of Acclaimed Book, Breaking Through the Status Quo

About the Series

Health Care Decrypted is an educational webinar series designed for business owners, CEOs, CFOs, VPs of Finance, Controllers and Benefits Managers to tackle cost containment strategies and shift the health spend for hard cost savings. Each session will feature guest speakers and leading experts on hot topics, trends and case studies for self-funded and fully-insured organizations.

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