World Health Care Congress 2017, Featured Expert John W Sbrocco, CSFS
Mabel Jong, World Congress Correspondent, sat down with John W. Sbrocco with Questige to discuss the current state of employee benefits. With premiums on the rise, many employers are at the point where they’ve grown to accept health care cost increases as status quo. Here at The Bureau, we’ll arm you with tools and strategies to #breakthestatusquo.Read More
What the Latest Version of the AHCA Would Mean for Employers
The American Health Care Act that was passed by the House of Representatives by a small margin would repeal the employer mandate and the reporting requirements that the Affordable Care Act ushered in.Read More
GOP Releases Legislation to Gut and Replace ACA
Now that the American Health Care Act has suffered a defeat in Congress and President Trump has said he’ll move on to other matters, the Affordable Care Act will stand as the law of the land.Read More